Reasons to love Cleanaa.

Everything You Need, All with Our Assist Line.

The Assist Line Scales With You.

Now That's a Modern Approach to Pharmacy.



Want the details? Flip through our Catalog of Assist Line Products.

At McKesson Automation, we only partner with the most creative and enterprising engineering firms, best-in-class pharmacy automation manufacturers, and premiere shipping & logistics companies to deliver the best possible experience to our customers and their patients. You can trust us to provide unparalleled service that is second to none. Our team strives to make every process within your operation safer, more accurate, and as efficient as possible by automating the repetitive and manual tasks that most commonly lead to potential dangers. We are proud to assist our customers with expanding their business while allowing them the time and ability to focus on counselling their patients.

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Got questions? We’ve got answers. send us
email to hello@cleanaa.com


What is Cleanaa?

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language.


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language.


Join the most innovative, patient first pharmacies.

"After 3 or 4 months, our purchase was covered by the additional revenue...our business literally doubled in a 4 to 5 month period."



Customer satisfaction is our top priority, Don’t hesitate to contact us


(080) 123 456 7890




72, Wallstreet, NY 20110





Smarter Pharmacy Automation: Affordable & Built For Your Space.


Your time is best spent working with your patients, and providing world-class care. Our Assist line gives you your time back.



Give yourself the time to actually work on growing your business, not just working in your business.

The trust patients have in you is critical to growing your market share. Increased accuracy & speed builds that trust.

“They are there whenever we need them, even late into the night, and they always follow up to ensure things are running smoothly. They’ve come to feel like family."

- Gina-Loulou Malek -

Co-Owner, Proxim Pharmacy

Owner, Pharmasave

- Sukh Sidhu -

“CountAssist is the perfect solution for a busy location like ours. It’s cutting-edge technology that automates pill dispensing to save us time and it ensures accuracy to
     reduce risks of mistakes,”

Co-Owner, Roulston's Pharmacy

- Blair Snow -

“We were doing all of our work by hand and realized it wasn’t a sustainable way to grow our business. McKesson changed that."

Here's what just a few of our customers have said:

The modern pharmacy starts with automation.

Free up time with our Assist line, and focus on your business.

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Improved efficiency

Scalable for future growth

Ensured patient safety

A reliable counting technology that streamlines vial filling, CountAssist is the most cost-effective counting automation on the market.

We're different from your typical home cleaning company. We're out to create magic. The goal is to WOW you with outstanding treatment.

Trusted & Vetted Cleaners

At Cleanaaa you'll only find the best. All our cleaners are carefully vetted by us - cleaners we'd be happy to have clean our own homes.

Customer Recommended

At Cleanaaa you'll only find the best. All our cleaners are carefully vetted by us - cleaners we'd be happy to have clean our own homes.

Commitment to Trust and Safety

At Cleanaaa you'll only find the best. All our cleaners are carefully vetted by us - cleaners we'd be happy to have clean our own homes.

With McKesson Automation, industry-leading Counting Technology, Blister Card Technology, and Health Monitoring Technology are all at your finger tips, ready to help you operate efficiently, and put the patient first.

Learn from a few of our most innovative customers.

Grab the Case Studies

We're fortunate to work with a number of innovative, forward looking pharmacies. Many of them have shared their stories and advice for those thinking about investing into Automation.

Click the button below and grab 5 case studies, from pharmacies like yours.

What is Cleanaa?

What is Cleanaa?

What is Cleanaa?




Pharmacy Automation That Won't Break the Bank.

Better patient care

Comprehensive monitoring

Accessibility and usability first

This comprehensive health monitoring station reports patient data for actionable patient consulting.

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Increased Accuracy

Improved Traceability

Ensured Patient Safety

Increase accuracy, streamline verification, and have a traceable record when producing blister cards with BlistAssist!

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"Pharmacy is changing. Nowadays, pharmacists must focus more on patient care, such as on cognitive services. McKesson Automation allows us to increase our productivity in the pharmacy."

 -- Jarron Yee, Pharmacist & Owner Medicine Shoppe

The Assist LineCase Studies