Pharmacy Automation, with McKesson Canada

Helping both retail and hospital pharmacies focus on what's important... their patients.



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Why Invest Into Pharmacy Automation?

What Our Customers Say

"We are able to do other things that our colleges are looking for us to do. More interactions with patients, more counseling, so it definitely frees up more time because it's 100% accurate."

"After 3 or 4 months, our purchase was covered by the additional revenue...our business literally doubled in a 4 to 5 month period."

Learn more about McKesson Canada Automation

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What You Can Expect from McKesson Canada

At McKesson Canada Automation, we only partner with the most creative and enterprising engineering firms, best-in-class pharmacy automation manufacturers, and premiere shipping & logistics companies to deliver the best possible experience to our customers and their patients. As the country's largest automation provider, you can trust us to provide unparalleled service that is second to none. Our team strives to make every process within your operation safer, more accurate, and as efficient as possible by automating the repetitive and manual tasks that most commonly lead to potential dangers. We are proud to assist our customers with expanding their business while allowing them the time and ability to focus on counselling their patients.


"Pharmacy is changing. Nowadays, pharmacists must focus more on cognitive services... [McKesson Automation] allows us to increase our productivity in the pharmacy." -- Jarron Yee, Pharmacist & Owner Medicine Shoppe

Improved operational efficiency

Increased business growth

Protect your patients and market share